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Showing posts from April, 2021

DnD Neverwinter Map: Header and footer finished

I have to admit that the design of the map header and footer defined too much questions to answer: inside or outside the map area? too baroque or simpler? how to contain creator information? Finally, I think I've found a design that meets most of the requirements in a satisfactory way: it is integrated with the frame design, the info is divided into header and footer to allow different information to be properly shown, it is located out of the map area to break the squared look of the map while not taking part of the informational area. So, the header contains just the map name, whereas the footer contains the creator data, also showing the Rose of Westeros Logo. Both the header and footer allows adding a date, if it were necessary, something like "The Neverwinter Coast (circa 1380)" in the header, or "Osmund Steigmeyer, 1380" in the footer. Regarding the works progress, as can be seen in some pictures above the political part is is pr